This interview with His Highness, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum (25 June 2010), is important for understanding where Dubai is positioned following the global recession. It is also pertinent to understanding how Fujairah fits with other emirates into the United Arab Emirates.
Speaking not only as the Ruler of Dubai but the Prime Minister of the UAE, His Highness Sheikh Maktoum says:
“The UAE is not just Abu Dhabi and Dubai—there are another five emirates and we all look after each other. We are one nation. We are one country. We are one President. The relationship is very good between the Emirates and we have a challenge now to bring the other emirates in line with Abu Dhabi and Dubai.”
‘It’s Not a Recession, it’s a Challenge’
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Connect With Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid on Facebook, ETE.
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Follow Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai on Twitter, ETE.
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New Website for H H Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ETE.
Dubai and Sheikh Mohammed on 60 Minutes Video, ETE.
Geoff Pound
More on Fujairah
This article and more information on Fujairah is posted on the Fujairah in Focus Facebook Page.