Earlier this year a swine flu (H1N1) sermon was prepared and preached at all the mosques in the Emirates.
The notice board like this one (pictured) outside a Fujairah mosque keeps the issue before worshippers in imparting information to help in the prevention, detection and treatment of Swine Flu Type A.
‘Swine Flu Seminars’ have been conducted by groups such as the Emirates Medical Services and while hand bills and posters have been distributed it is difficult to get an accurate statement on the number of people infected with swine flu (including fatalities) in cities such as Fujairah.
Some schools were closed at the beginning of the term, partly because of Ramadan activities and partly to curb the spread of swine flu infection.
One of the pressing challenges is to stem the possibility of a massive infection of swine flu caused by pilgrims carrying the disease to the Haj. Currently there is a major vaccination drive for intending pilgrims which includes an education booster and the gift of a ‘health bag’ containing disinfectants, medications and informational guidelines.
Isolation procedures for infected people are being established on the pilgrimage routes and in the Muslim holy land.
Dr Geoff Pound
Geoff can be contacted by email at geoffpound(at)gmail.com on Facebook and Twitter.
Image: Sign on the notice board of the Abu Bakr Al Sedeeq Mosque, Al Gurfah, Fujairah (at the coffeepot roundabout).
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