Finding rental accommodation in Fujairah has been a challenge in recent days because of the shortage of villas and apartments, the electricity crisis, the high prices caused by the demand and the small number of real estate companies doing business.
Harder Offshore
Finding a roof over your head is harder when you’re overseas and trying to search for homes via the Internet as few real estate companies in Fujairah have their properties listed on the World Wide Web.
Switching On
The good news is that more and more new apartment towers and villas are being switched on thanks to the increased power generation and allocation of UAE energy to Fujairah. The power flow has meant there is an increasing number of properties on the market and the rentals have been declining.
Ideal Scenario
The best situation for a prospective resident is when accommodation is part of your salary package, when your company in Fujairah has a Property Officer or Property Team who listens to your requirements, actively looks out on your behalf and because of their experience, fluency in Arabic and bargaining power they can negotiate the best price for you and other employees.
Even if you’re still in Mumbai, Melbourne or Montreal but coming to Fujairah, there’s much you can do while you’re finishing up and packing your bags.
Establish Your Wish List
+ Size—the number of bedrooms you desire.
+ Apartment or stand alone house and if the latter, all on the one level or top and bottom (villa).
+ Most come unfurnished but there are some semi or fully furnished.
+ Most come without blinds or curtains unless the previous tenants have left theirs.
+ Finishes—most of the bench tops are high ceramic or granite.
Most modern houses and apartments in Fujairah are spacious with high ceilings. Most apartments will come with large, quality in-built wardrobes.
Location! Location! Location!
Thankfully Fujairah is a small city that is still not overly congested and you can get from one side of the city to the other in a short space of time.
But you may have a preference to live close to your work, the sea, a school or to the shops so use
Google Earth and
Google Maps to get familiar with the city and emirate before you come.
A Data Collecting Programme (
Census) is underway that involves recording every building in Fujairah and noting their GPS coordinates. In time, this will be a great benefit for the making and reading of maps and finding out exactly where a house or apartment tower is located.
Contact Some Rental Companies
Make contact with rental companies by email and phone. Establish communication. Most companies will have staff speaking English, Hindi, Urdu, Malayalam as well as Arabic. Tell them when you are coming and give them your wish list. See what is being offered on their web sites.
Search on the Internet for ‘Fujairah, real estate’ or ‘Fujairah rental housing/apartments’ but remember that some real estate companies in Dubai and Sharjah list Fujairah properties on their web sites.
Real Estate List
This list is not in any order of recommendation but it is an attempt to provide as many details for prospective residents who are currently living overseas.
I am happy to add the details of other companies if they will provide them to me.
Fujairah National Properties
Lease Manager: Essa Abdullah Ali Al Mulla: +971 (0) 50 6290108
Essa’s email:
P O Box 1166
Fujairah, UAE
Tel: +971 9 201 0315
Fax: +971 9 228 1515
Web Site:
www.fnp.co.aeCheck out the
Downloads for more information (see bottom of the home page)
Fujairah Real Estate Company Ltd.
Nabil Faraz Thayeb
Nabil’s phone: +971 (0) 50 6499693
Nabil’s email address:
P O Box 716
Fujairah, UAE
Tel: +971 (0) 9 2224650
Fax: +971 (0) 0 2224787
No web site.
Al Barajel Real Estate
No web site.
United Real Estate
Managing Director: Abdel Moaty Haroon
Abdel’s phone: +971 (0) 50 4333726
Abdel’s email:
haroon.moaty@gmail.comP O Box 1063
Fujairah, UAE
Tel: +971 (9) 2223726
Fax: +971 (9) 2223724
Web Site:
www.unitedrealestate.ae (under construction)
Madeena Real Estate
Tel: +971 (9) 2244766
Fax: +971 (9) 2244765
Fujairah Real Estate Agency
Marketing Manager: Jamal Shuraih
Jamal’s phone: +971 50 6496654
P O Box 2
Fujairah, UAE
Tel: +971 (9) 2225558
Fax: +971 (9) 2225559
Renting in Fujairah
Unless your company negotiates the lease as part of your salary package you will need the following documents and be aware of these details:
+ Security deposit—this will be requested and is often the equivalent of one month’s rent.
+ You may need to make an initial one or two payments at the start—cash or cheque.
+ Sometimes post-dated cheques are requested for payment throughout the year.
+ Bring your Passport and UAE Visa for ID.
+ Rental term varies but it is usually year by year.
+ If leaving you need to give one or two month’s notice—confirm with the company.
+ Usually the rental agreement must be in the name of the primary visa holder rather than the 'trailing spouse'.
Apply Arab Wisdom
All the best to you in your house hunting and in making your transition to Fujairah.
If you do select a home according to local custom you will follow the advice of this Arabian proverb:
“Choose your neighbour before your house and your companion before the road.”
Geoff Pound
P.S. Do let me know if there are other items that have come out of your house searching experience that might well be added to this article.
This article is also posted on the Fujairah in Focus
Facebook Page.