Add to that the new power plants which are bringing on stream the apartment towers and industries, the thriving rock export business, the new oil terminals, the movies being made, the drive in cinema complex set to screen at 10pm on the 10/10/10 and the new motorway that will increasingly make Fujairah a dormitory suburb of Dubai-Sharjah.
If I was looking for a job in Fujairah I would do two things:
1. Set up a Twitter account and link with employment firms and every other business and person in the UAE and the Middle East. Being a Twitter user I see many jobs being advertised and I have set my Tweetdeck (also used by Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai and Queen Rania of Jordan) to Search for ‘Fujairah’.
2. Set up a Google Alert for ‘Fujairah’ and ‘Fujeirah’ so that everything on the World Wide Web that has a reference to this city comes directly into your email inbox.
Set up another one or three Google Alerts for the role you are looking for—‘butcher’, ‘baker’ and ‘candlestick maker’. Sure, you’ll get lots of irrelevant material but you will learn much about what is going on in the city and you will get notices about jobs going as soon as they are posted.
You can do these things from anywhere in the world, plus you can connect with Fujairah in Focus (by subscribing to it) and Fujairah in Focus on Facebook (which has even more articles and links posted on it) to cover all your bases.
Geoff Pound
Connect with Geoff Pound on Facebook, Twitter or at geoffpound(at)gmail.com
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